WimLabs launches video trading and crowdsourcing app – Torino 2014/05/25

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WimTrade: create and join video contests from laptop and mobile

WimLabs has launched a new service of it video revolution network: WimTrade. Now you can not only put up for sale your videos to the WimTrade video marketplace but also ride the video crowdsourcing wave. You can request videos of gives characteristics and join contests with your videos – from your laptop but also from your smartphone/tablet.

Over the years video crowdsourcing has become a consolidated tool used by Brands, Associations, Newsrooms, Festivals and TV programs to incentivate their fans and followers to participate and acquire valuable content. In this contex WimTrade enables anybody to create a video contest and develop new business models thanks to the use of Creative Commons and commercial licences. Thanks to the WimLance mobile app, you can join a video contest from a mobile device.

Use of the service is very intuitive. You just need to subscribe from WimTrade or, if you have already subscribed to the WimTV video platform, use the same username and password of your WimTV account.

 Create one or more calls and request videos of specific categories

Is a big event happening somewhere? Does your newsroom need relevant videos NOW? Are you looking for an entertaining and exclusive video to post on your blog?

Enter a descripotion of the video with the features of the video you are looking for and the deadline for submitting videos in response to your call. If you want to give addinional incentive to participants to submit high quality videos, you can offer a prize or a remuneration for the best videos received and selected for  publication.

 WimTrade offers many advantages

  •  It is innovative, because you can create productions and new formats with the best videos contributed by your audience
  • It is exclusive, because only the contest creator will be able to preview the videos sent by the respondents
  • It is engaging, because your audience will feel like being part of your creation

 Do you want to join calls, collaborate with newsrooms and win prizes?

If you are a wannabe reporter or you enjoy filming the world around you with your smartphone, have a look at WimTrade calls and join with your videos from your PC or directly from your smartphone/tablet thanks to the free WimLance app for Android and iOS .

You could win a prize or earn a remuneration for your creativity and possibly start collaborating with companies and newsrooms that create contests.