Digging deeper in the MPEG work

Introduction In How does MPEG actually work? I described the “MPEG standards work flow” from a proposed an idea to the release of the corresponding standard and its verification. I also…

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MPEG communicates

Introduction MPEG standards are great communication tools and MPEG itself is – or tries to be – a good communicator, of course using all available media. This article is for…

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How does MPEG actually work?

Introduction In Life inside MPEG I have described the breadth, complexity and interdependence of the  work program managed by the MPEG ecosystem that has fed the digital media industry for…

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Life inside MPEG

Introduction In my earlier post 30 years of MPEG, and counting? I brought evidence of what MPEG has done in the last 30 years to create the broadcast, recording, web and…

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Some have it straight

Developing standards is one of the greatest endeavours humans can do for their fellow humans. A well conceived and rightly implemented standard is the lubricant that makes society more efficient.…

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