Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Is it possible to mitigate data loss effects in online gaming?

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  • Post category:MPAI

The 52nd MPAI General Assembly (MPAI-52) has approved Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG) - Mitigation of Data Loss effects (SPG-MDL) V1.0. It is a Technical Report that provides a methodology to predict the game state of an online gaming server when some controller data is lost. The Prediction is obtained by applying Machine Learning algorithms based on historical data of the online game. An online Multiplayer Game is based on a server. When this maintains consistency among all clients’ game…

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MPAI calls for a new generation of company performance prediction technologies

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The 51st MPAI General Assembly has decided to develop a new version V2.0 of the Compression and Understanding of Financial Data (MPAI-CUI) – Company Performance Prediction (CUI-CPP) and issued a Call for Technologies to acquire relevant technologies. Register to attend online event where the Call will be presented on 2025/01/08 T15:00 UTC. Compression and Understanding of Industrial Data (MPAI-CUI) was one of the first (2021) MPAI standards. The MPAI-CUI V1.0 Company Performance Prediction Use Case was based on the notion…

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The birth of Audio in MPEG

Thirty-six years ago today marked the birth of the MPEG-Audio group. The initial two characters of MPEG - M (oving) and the P (icture) - leave no doubt about the original public intentions in setting up the MPEG group which had met for the first time in Ottawa, ON on 10-12 May. My real intentions, however, were very clear in my mind since the very beginning (actually, they dated back several years before): an audio-visual  system had to be specified…

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Thirty years is a long time…

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…and exactly as many as 30 is the number of years that separates today from the closing day of the 29th MPEG meeting in Singapore when the MPEG-2 standard was approved. It was the 11th of November 1994. The approval of MPEG-2 was a watershed because it was the conclusion of a turmoil that had lasted three decades. MPEG succeeded in what, less than six years before, looked like mission impossible: a solution to the “next-generation TV” for the three…

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MPAI Metaverse Model: what is it? A look at the table of contents

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I think that the publication of the MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) standard last week is an important step in making the metaverse a viable proposition because it provides practical means for an implementer to develop a metaverse instance (M-Instance) that interoperates with another similarly developed M-Instance. This post has the moderate ambition of just describing the high-level content of the standard looking at the Table of Contents. Foreword obviously deals with general matters, such as the AI Framework (MPAI-AIF) standard…

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A new type of “data about data”

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AI Modules (AIM) organised in AI Workflows (AIW) executed in the AI Framework enabling initialisation, dynamic configuration, and control of AIWs are a key element of the MPAI approach to AI-based Data Coding standards as depicted in Figure 1. AIMs communicate to other AIMs in the AIW the Data obtained by executing specific functions. The effectiveness of the functions performed by the AIMs is improved if they know more about the capabilities of the AIMs they are connected to and the Data they…

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