Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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A standard for “better” audio

Standards for audio exist: MPEG-1 Audio layer II and layer III (so called MP3) and a slate of AAC standards serving all tastes offer efficient ways to store and transmit different types of mono, stereo and multichannel audio . MPEG-H offers ways to transmit and present 3D audio experiences. Never before, if not at the level of company products, however, was there a standard whose goal is not to preserve audio quality at low bitrates, but to improve it or,…

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The why of the MPAI mission

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In research, a technology that had attracted the interest of researchers decades ago and stayed at that level for a long time, may suddenly come into focus. This is the case of the collection of different technologies called Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although this moniker might suggest that machines are able to replicate the main human trait, in practice such techniques boil down to algorithmically sophisticated pattern matching enabled by training on large collections of input data.  Embedded today in a…

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MPAI concludes 2021 approving new Context-based Audio Enhancement standard

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Geneva, Switzerland – 22 December 2021. Today the Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded the year 2022, its first full year of operation approving its fifth standard for publication. The standards developed and published by MPAI so far are: Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE) – approved today – supports 4 identified use cases: adding a desired emotion to an emotion-less speech segment, preserving old audio tapes, restoring audio segments and improving the audio…

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A book, a question and an answer

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MPAI has published a book titled Towards Pervasive and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: How standards can put a great technology at the service of humankind With the printing industry sparing no efforts publishing books on Artificial Intelligence (AI), why should there be another that, in its title and subtitle, combines the overused words “AI” and “trustworthy”, with the alien words “standards” and “pervasive”? The answer is that the book describes a solution that covers all the elements of the title: to…

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Towards Pervasive and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

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Building on the successful development of 5 major AI-based data coding standards 15 months after coming into life, MPAI has published the book “Towards Pervasive and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: How standards can put a great technology at the service of humankind". For the authors, representatives of the articulated MPAI world, it has been quite an effort but rewarded by the sight of the published book. In its 110 B5 pages the book offers: A summary of the reasons that have…

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Why an MPAI-CAV standard?

There is a lot of research and experimentation in Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), but there is not much in terms of standardisation. That should not be a suprise because a traditional approach could well consider CAV standards as premature at this time, and some affected industries may even not be ready yet for such a step. Still standardisation of CAV is needed because of the following reasons: The different nature of the interacting technologies making up a CAV. The sheer…

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