Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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The next MPAI Call: for a pleasant and effective metaverse

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Friday 3 June, I published MPAI wants to do it again, an article describing the 5 use cases MPAI intends to address in its next Call for Technologies. Yesterday, I ran across How will AI power the metaverse? by Luca Sambucci. The paper identifies some key technologies that happen to be listed among those planned to be in the next MPAI Call for Technologies. Luca writes: “A digital world requires the presence of digital places, as in rooms or villas…

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MPAI wants to do it again

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On the 30th of September 2021, on the first anniversary of its incorporation, MPAI approved Version 1 of its Multimodal Conversation standard (MPAI-MMC). The standard included 5 use cases: Conversation with Emotion, Multimodal Question Answering and e Automatic Speech Translation Use Cases. Three months later, MPAI approved Version 1 of Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE). The standard included 4 use cases: Emotion-Enhanced Speech, Audio Recording Preservation, Speech Restoration System and Enhanced Audioconference Experience. A lot more has happened in MPAI beyond these…

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MPAI for affordable Artificial Intelligence

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After a series of ups and downs that lasted about sixty years, the set of technologies that go by the name of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has powerfully entered the design, production and strategy realities of many companies. Although it would not be easy - it would perhaps be an ineffective use of time - to argue against those who claim that AI is neither Artificial nor Intelligent, the term AI is sufficiently useful and indicative that it has found wide…

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Making sure that AI is “good” AI

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AI has generated easy enthusiasms but also fears. The narrative that has developed sees in the development of AI more a potentially dystopian machine-ruled future than a tool potentially capable to improve the weel being of humanity. Indeed, some AI technologies hold the potential to transform our society in a disruptive way. That possibility must be kept in check if we want to avoid potentially serious problems. Just think of video deep fakes, but also of the possibility of advanced…

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Patent pool being formed for four MPAI standards

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Geneva, Switzerland – 18 May 2022. Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 20th General Assembly. Among the outcomes is the communication that a patent pool will soon be established for four of its standards: AI Framework (MPAI-AIF), Context-Based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE), Compression and Understanding of Industrial Data (MPAI-CUI) and Multimodal Conversation (MPAI-MMC). The four standards have been developed based on the MPAI process; Between December…

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The MPAI Framework Licence approach to Standard Essential Patent (SEP) licensing

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In the business world, goods are delivered based on technical and commercial specifications. In the standards world, there are good reasons why the goods (the standards) of a Standards Developing Organisation (SDO) are not delivered according to commercial requirements normally accepted in the business world. However, this is not a good reason for an SDO to stay with commercial requirements called “patent declarations” that simply bind the originators to license their SEPs at so-called Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms.…

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