Leonardo speaks at XII Infopoverty World Conference, Milan (IT). 2012/03/23
Leonardo speaks at XII Infopoverty World Conference on "Asset creation via distributed teams – The MPEG experience".
Leonardo speaks at XII Infopoverty World Conference on "Asset creation via distributed teams – The MPEG experience".
CEDEO exhibits its products and services at CeBIT. In particular its brand new DASH video streaming from http://test.wim.tv/.
Leonardo delivers a keynote speech on "Standards for Management and Protection of Content Rights" at the International Copyright Technology Conference 2011. Springer USA has published the book The MPEG Representation of Digital Media edited by Leonardo Chiariglione. The IEEE has published the paper Multimedia Service Platform Technologies by Sergio Matone (CEDEO), Panos Kudumakis and Mark Sandler (QMUL) and Xin Wang (Huawei). The paper introduces the emerging MPEG-M standard and wim.tv that is based on that standard.
The Incubatore Imprese Innovative del Politecnico (I3P) has hosted the 24th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29, the parent committee of MPEG
Following the successful meeting in September, Torino has hosted another meeting of the Advanced IPTV Terminal (AIT) Ad Hoc Group. Technical documents and logistic information here
The 90th MPEG meeting in Xi'an attended by 300+ experts. Remarkable achievements are A set of documents on Advanced IPTV Terminal Approval of MPEG-V FCD Approval of Video Signature Tools FPDAM Planning for a second MPEG Media Transport workshop in Kyoto Publication of the Draft Call for Proposals on High Performance Video Coding Start of a new MPEG-U part on Advanced User Interaction Interface Read the Xi'an MPEG press release