Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Thirty years ago, in MPEG

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In November 1992, MPEG had already christened the first three parts of its first MPEG-1 standard: the System, Video, and Audio triad. The approval of those three standards did not mean the end of MPEG-1 because work continued with Conformance and Reference Software. These two projects, however, would have been too little for MPEG people hungry for new challenges. Indeed, there as a reason if in July 1990 MPEG has started exploring the “MPEG Second Work Item”. In November 1991,…

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Visiting MPAI standards: the MPAI Metaverse Model foundations

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Much has been and is being said about the vagueness of the “metaverse” notion . To compensate for this, the current trend is to add an adjective to the “metaverse” name. So, now we have studies on industrial metaverse, medical metaverse, tourist metaverse, and more. In the early phases of its metaverse studies, when it was scoping the field, MPAI did consider 18 metaverse domains (use cases). Now, however, that phase is over because the right approach to standards is…

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Visiting MPAI standards – Connected Autonomous Vehicles (MPAI-CAV) – Architecture

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Introduction MMPAI-36 (September 2023) has approved the publication of five standards. Two are extensions of already published standards (and adopted by IEEE without modifications) and three brand new. This is an overview of the main content of one of the new standards, Technical Specification: Connected Autonomous Vehicles – Architecture (MPAI-CAV). MPAI works on CAV standards because replacing current vehicles with CAVs is desirable from many viewpoints. CAVs are expected to offer a safer drive by replacing human errors with machine…

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XR Venues – Live Theatrical Stage Performance

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Scope MPAI has issued a Call for Technologies seeking proposals for MPAI-XRV – Live Theatrical Stage Performance, an MPAI standard project seeking to define interfaces of AI Modules (AIM) facilitating live multisensory immersive stage performances. By running AI Workflows (AIW) composed of AIMs, it will be possible to obtain a more direct, precise yet spontaneous show implementation and control of multiple complex systems to achieve the show director’s vision. Setting An implementation of MPAI-XRV – Live Theatrical Stage Performance includes:…

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MPAI is running at full speed

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Established in September 2020, MPAI has published five standard this week bringing the total to nine. Let’s see what they are about. MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Architecture is the first technical metaverse standard published by a standard body. MPAI MMM specifies technologies enabling two metaverse instances M-InstanceA and M-InstanceB to interoperate if they: rely on the same Operation Model, use the same Profile, and either use the same technologies, or use independent technologies while accessing Conversion Services that losslessly transform data…

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New AI-driven standards pioneer the future of immersive entertainment

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The founder of MPEG, Leonardo Chiariglione, inspired by the prospects of AI, is leading an initiative – MPAI (Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence) – to drive AI standards that will supercharge next-generation immersive entertainment venues.  They have already developed a range of AI standards for audio enhancement and more natural forms of human-machine conversation and others which have subsequently been adopted by the IEEE. The MPAI community is now focused on developing standards for XR Venues…

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