Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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WimLabs launches video trading and crowdsourcing app – Torino 2014/05/25

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  • Post category:Cedeo

WimTrade: create and join video contests from laptop and mobile WimLabs has launched a new service of it video revolution network: WimTrade. Now you can not only put up for sale your videos to the WimTrade video marketplace but also ride the video crowdsourcing wave. You can request videos of gives characteristics and join contests with your videos - from your laptop but also from your smartphone/tablet. Over the years video crowdsourcing has become a consolidated tool used by Brands, Associations,…

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CEDEO and Panasonic demonstrate ICN app at the GreenICN project review – Brussels 2014/05/14

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  • Post category:Cedeo

CEDEO and Panasonic, partners of GreenICN, a EU-Japan project on the next generation "information centric" networking, have collaborated tin the development of end systems (peers) for GreenICN and demostrated their achievement at the first project review. The demo is called “Managed advertising for real estate” (MARE). In MARE Toshiki, a real estate businessman, applies a windowing policy for his offers of vacation apartments. For two weeks his clients are pre-emptively offered available apartments but, after that, everybody, including non-clients, can…

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Leonardo speaks at Kurukshetra 14 – Chennai (IN), 2014/01/31

Kurukshetra is the name of one of the fiercest and bloodiest wars in India. The College of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy has given the name of Kurukshetra to a "battle of brains" where students fight for their ideas. Leonardo gave a talk where he applauded this initiative, very much in line with the spirit of MPEG where the rule is that ideas should prevail based on their strength, not because there is an assembly line making products.

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Leonardo closes DMP brainstormig day – San José, CA (US), 2014/01/11

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  • Post category:DMP

The Digital Media Project (DMP), founded in 2003, has developed Interoperable DRM Platform specifications ( designed to respond to the needs of all players in the digital media value chain. Recently the DMP has commissioned an implementation of its Open Connected Television (OCTV) specification (see The source code is available to DMP members for commercial exploitation. the Board of Directors had decided to convene a brainstorming meeting of DMP members and interested experts in San José, CA on 2014/01/11…

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WimLabs announces WimTVPro 3.0 for WordPress – Torino (IT), 2013/12/10

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  • Post category:Cedeo

Version 3.0 of WimTVPro for WordPress by WimLabs brings improved stability and new functionalities Video upload Management of personal video repository on WimTV (WimBox) Personalised video skins Creation of WebTV with on demand video - playlist - subscriptions (wimVod) Simplified management of live event Analytics Support of free/pay per view on demand/live videos WimTVPro can be installed directly from inside a WordPress intsllation. More here and here

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