Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Leonardo speaks at Patinnova 2009, 2009/04/29

Leonardo sits on a Panel at Patinnova 2009 discussing "Intellectual Property (IP) in rapidly developing industries - does it stimulate innovation?". His message: "We already have enough robust protection of IP. What rights holders desperately need now is smart exploitation of IP. The goals of the two are not necessarily in sync".

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Carlo Piana submits a proposal for an “MXM Public Licence” to the Open Source Initiative (OSI), 2009/03/26

Carlo Piana, a law attorney specialising in the Open Source Software (OSS) practice he calls "Free Software", submits a proposal for an "MXM Public Licence" to the Open Source Initiative (OSI) on behalf of Leonardo. The proposal basically extends the provisions of the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL 1.1) where (legal concepts expressed by a non-legal person) the originator of the code releases the copyright of the code, the patents that are relevant to exercise the code that he may hold, but…

Continue ReadingCarlo Piana submits a proposal for an “MXM Public Licence” to the Open Source Initiative (OSI), 2009/03/26