Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Towards Pervasive and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

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  • Post category:MPAI

Building on the successful development of 5 major AI-based data coding standards 15 months after coming into life, MPAI has published the book “Towards Pervasive and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: How standards can put a great technology at the service of humankind". For the authors, representatives of the articulated MPAI world, it has been quite an effort but rewarded by the sight of the published book. In its 110 B5 pages the book offers: A summary of the reasons that have…

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Why an MPAI-CAV standard?

There is a lot of research and experimentation in Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), but there is not much in terms of standardisation. That should not be a suprise because a traditional approach could well consider CAV standards as premature at this time, and some affected industries may even not be ready yet for such a step. Still standardisation of CAV is needed because of the following reasons: The different nature of the interacting technologies making up a CAV. The sheer…

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Connected Autonomous Vehicles in MPAI

For about a year, MPAI has developed Use Cases and Functional Requirements for the Connected Autonomous Vehicles (MPAI-CAV) project, and the document has reached a good maturity. MPAI is now publishing the results achieved so far on this and other web sites, on social networks and newsletters. Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is an international, unaffiliated, non-profit organisation with the mission is to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled data coding specifications, with clear Intellectual Property…

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Time to join MPAI

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Are there serious reasons to be part of the Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence? The latest is the fact that, starting from the 20th of November 2021, a legal entity or a representative of an academic department who are able to contribute to the the development of Technical Specifications can join MPAI now and have their membership extended until the end of 2022. This, however, is more an opportunity to accelerate the decision to joinMPAI, because…

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Conversing with a machine

It will take some time before we can have a casual  conversation with a machine, but there is significant push by the industry to endow machines with the ability to hold even limited forms of conversation with humans. The MPAI-MMC standard, approved on 30th of September provides two significant examples. The first is Conversation with Emotion (MMC-CWE) depicted in Figure 1. it assumes there is a machine that responds to user queries. The query can be about the line of…

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Celebrating the anniversary of the first MPEG standard

For the first 10 years, the cadence of MPEG meeting was March-July November. In addition to these 3 meetings per year, a number of other meetings were added to cope with the hectic rhythms of development of the first standards. The total number of meetings was 43, which makes about 4 meetings a year. If we consider that MPEG had 130 meetings, i.e., 32 years, until its end in 2020, the average meeting frequency remained constant at 4 per year.…

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