Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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A unified approach to AI-based data coding standardisation

1        Introduction Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is an international, non-affiliated, not-for-profit registered in Geneva. MPAI’s mission is to promote the efficient use of Data by developing standards for coding any type of data, especially using new technologies to enable the use of Artificial Intelligence integrating data coding components in Information and Communication Technology systems bridging the gap between standards and their practical use by means of Framework Licenses. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are…

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MPAI receives technologies for its AI framework standard and calls for technologies supporting audio and human-machine conversation

Geneva, Switzerland – 17 february 2021. At its 5th General Assembly, Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI), an international, unaffiliated standards association Has kicked off work on its AI Framework (MPAI-AIF) standard after receiving substantial proposed technologies. Is calling for technologies to develop two standards related to audio (MPAI-CAE) and multimodal conversation (MPAI-MMC). Will soon be developing the Framework Licence for the next maturing project “Compression and Understanding of Industrial Data” (MPAI-CUI). MPAI has reviewed responses to…

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MPAI standards and AI explainability

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers great advantages to humans because an appropriately designed AI system can perform tasks that humans may not wish or be able to do, in ways that have degrees of similarity to what humans do. Advances of AI promise to continuously improve AI system performance. In the early 1940's, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov devised the three laws a robot must obey: 1. don't injure a human or allow a human to be injured, 2. obey a…

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Having a conversation with a machine

Like it or not, we do what the title says regularly, with mixed results. Searching for that file in your computer should be easy but often it is not, finding that an email is a hassle, especially when retrieving it is so important, and talking to an information service is often a challenge to your nervous system. I have no intention to criticise the – difficult – work that others have done in my own - original - domain, but…

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Opacity or transparency?

By publishing its Manifesto, MPAI has made clear in a few sentences its strategic analysis of the AI industry, what will be its action points and why they will provide benefits. #1 Applications using AI are extending in scope and performance. the AI industry is one of the fastest growing industries. #2 The industry is not developing as fast as it could because there are hurdles. The first is the fact that the AI application development model is based on…

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AI-based Data Coding Standardization

Use of technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is extending to diverse applic­ations yielding one of the fastest-grow­ing markets in the data analysis and service sector. However, AI is developing more slowly than necessary because it lacks operational reference standards compar­able to those that have propelled digital media. Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) has identified data coding as a promising area for standardisation. MPAI considers the “AI module” (AIM) and its inter­faces as the AI…

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