Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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What is the state of MPAI work?

Introduction We are about to leave the year 2020, the year that has seen the most virulent pandemic since about a century, but also the year that has seen the death of MPEG as an organisation. That changing a thriving organisation like MPEG into an anodyne entity called SC 29 was a rash move at best is now being discovered by the very architects of the move. THey now say: SC 29 has an inadequate sharing of its activities with…

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An introduction to the MPAI-AIF Call for Technologies

On 202/12/21 MPAI has held a teleconference to illustrate the MPAI-AIF Call for Technologies (CfT) and associated Framework Licence (FWL). This article summarises the main points illustrated at the teleconference: Whay and who is MPAI, the MPAI-AIF Functional Requirements, the MPAI_AIF Call for Technologies and the MPAI-AIF Framework Licence. The powerpoint presentation is here. Miran Choi, an MPAI Director and Chair of the Communication Advisory Committee, recalled the reasons that led to the establishment of MPAI. Over the past 3…

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MPAI issues a Call for Technologies supporting its AI Framework standard

Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) has approved a Call for Technologies (CfT) for publication at its 3rd General Assembly MPAI-3 (2020/12/16). The CfT concerns tech­nologies for MPAI-AIF, acronym of the MPAI AI Frame­work standard. The goal of MPAI-AIF is to enable set up and execution of mixed processing and infer­ence work­flows made of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and legacy Data Processing com­ponents called AI Modules (AIM). The MPAI AI Framework standard will facilitate integration of…

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A new way to develop useful standards

So far, communication standards have been handled in an odd way. Standards are meant to serve the needs of millions, if not billions of people, still the decision about the existence of a standard and what a standard should do is in the hands of people who, no matter how many, are not billions, not millions, not even thousands. This situation is the end point of the unilateral approach adopted by inventors starting, one can say, from Gutenberg’s moving characters…

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A new channel between industry and standards

The challenges of MPAI standardisation Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is a standards organisation with the mission to develop data coding standards that have Artificial Intelligence as its core enabling technology. MPAI faces two main challenges to achieve its missions. The first comes from MPAI’s definition of “data”: any digital representation of a real or computer-generated entity. As any living being, or human organisation generates data, and they are more and more pervasive, the scope…

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From media compression, to data compression, to AI-enabled data coding

Communication and standard are synonyms: to communicate the symbols that convey our messages must be agree upon, i.e. made standard. Humans have left traces of messages dating back to several thousands of years ago, as in the case of the image of a bison found in the Cave of Altamira. We also have more recent traces of messages of which we often know or have derived syntax and semantics going back several thousands of years ago. Examples are in the…

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