Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Leonardo speaks at International Copyright Technology Conference, Seoul (KR), 2011-11-17

Leonardo delivers a keynote speech on "Standards for Management and Protection of Content Rights" at the International Copyright Technology Conference 2011. Springer USA has published the book The MPEG Representation of Digital Media edited by Leonardo Chiariglione. The IEEE has published the paper Multimedia Service Platform Technologies by Sergio Matone (CEDEO), Panos Kudumakis and Mark Sandler (QMUL) and Xin Wang (Huawei). The paper introduces the emerging MPEG-M standard and that is based on that standard.

Continue ReadingLeonardo speaks at International Copyright Technology Conference, Seoul (KR), 2011-11-17

Leonardo features at Rosselli Foundation exhibition, Torino (IT), 2011/10/22

The Rosselli Foundation opens the exhibition "150 years of the Italian genius - world-changing innovations". Here is a sample from the exhibition poster: How is changed our daily life, in our private life and in our relationships with the others. Giulio Natta nvented the plastics and Alessandro Cruto the lamp; Antonio Meucci has changed communication between people with the telephone and Camillo Olivetti writing with his typewriters; going to a new way of enjoying music, with Leonardo Chiariglione's MP3 standard.

Continue ReadingLeonardo features at Rosselli Foundation exhibition, Torino (IT), 2011/10/22