Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Leonardo speaks at “Comunicare Digitale” – Lucca (IT), 2013/06/07

Leonardo speaks at Lucca Ducal Palace highlighting the role of MPEG as THE provider of standard technologies for digital communication. MPEG is a standards group but operates like a company. It developes products (standards) in the expectation that its customers (the members of the digital media industry) will buy (use) them. Like any other successful company some MPEG products are hugely successful, some are notices and some are disregarded. MPEG assesses the success or otherwise of its products as much as…

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Leonardo speaks at “Young people and Digital Creativity” Forum – Vigevano (IT), 2013/06/06

Leonardo speaks at Vigevano Castle on “Digital media for a diffuse digital media entrepreneurship" making the following arguments The dilemma of creativity: I believe my work has value, but how can I make myself known? I am know, but how can I transform notoriety into remuneration? How can I add entrepreneurial value to others' creativity? How do human-to-human relationships map to the digital world? I have a business idea: should I develop my technology or rely on someone else's technology? Remember:…

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Leonardo speaks on “Knowledge, vision and team work” at Italian IT Managers Club – Torino (IT), 2013/05/31

My speech is about how challenging goals are often the result of a team work inspired by a vision made possible by knowledge. There is a social interest that challenging goals are conceived and successfully executed. Goals are set by humans, but how do humans work? As I am talking to a club of IT managers, I will try and make an analysis of humans as computers using using computer science language Hardware is given by parents BIOS is formed…

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WimLabs announces WimTVPro 2.5 – Torino (IT), 2013/05/30

WimLabs announces the availability of a radically improved version of WimTVPro, a plug-in for the Drupal and WordPress CMSs. Read below to know why a designer/manager of a web site based on a WordPress or Drupal CMS should use WimTVPro. Download WimTVPro from , you install it, you run it and go Register with WimTV Choose a storage/bandwidth package, possibly a free one Upload videos to WimTV Create your Web TV Post your videos, create play lists Set access criteria for your fans or…

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