Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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The MPAI Metaverse Model – Status Report

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Introduction Many use the metaverse word with other people, but it is unlikely that they all mean the same. In general one can say that a metaverse instance is a rather complex communication and interaction environment with features, such as synchronous and persistent experiences and virtual reality features such as avatars that may or may not be controlled by humans or objects of the real world. MPAI Metaverse Model – MPAI-MMM – is the MPAI project developing technical documents –…

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Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles

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Abstract MPAI has developed a roadmap for Metaverse interoperability. The published Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities [1] claims that, as standards for a market as vast as the one expected for the Metaverse are difficult to develop, functional profiles should be developed. The published draft Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles [2] develops a Metaverse functional operation model, applies it to 7 Use Cases and proposes 4 initial functionality profiles. This document is a…

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The MPAI metaverse standardisation proposal

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1. Introduction Metaverse is expected to create new jobs, opportunities, and experiences and transform virtually all sectors of human interaction. To harness its potential, however, there are hurdles to overcome: There is no common agreement on what a “metaverse” is or should be. The potential users of the metaverse  are too disparate. Many successful independent implementations of “metaverse” already exist. Some important enabling technologies may be years away. To seamlessly use metaverses, standards are needed. Before engaging in metaverse standardisation,…

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A standards body for AI-based data coding

Data is information converted to bits. To know what the bits mean, however, we must know the format, i.e., how information is represented or coded in bits. Data with an unknown format has little value and with a known format has a value that is inversely proportional to the effort required to convert it to an understandable format. Therefore, to be “the New Oil of the Digital Economy”, data should have a standard format. The way international bodies are organised…

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Online presentation: MPAI’s AI-based End-to-End video codec has better compression than traditional codecs

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Fifteen months ago, MPAI started an investigation on AI-based End-to-End Video Coding, a new approach to video coding not based on traditional architectures. Recently published results show that Version 0.3 of the MPAI-EEV Reference Model (EEV-0.3) has generally higher performance than the MPEG-HEVC video coding standard when applied to the MPAI set of high-quality drone video sequences. This is now supersed by the news that the soon-to-be-released EEV-0.4 subjectively outperforms the MPEG-VVC codec using low-delay P configuration. Join the online…

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MPAI approves a new Technical Specification and a Technical Report

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Geneva, Switzerland – 25 January 2023. Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 28th General Assembly (MPAI-28) approving the Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW) Technical Specification, the MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) Technical Report, and the 2023 program of work on the Metaverse. MPAI-28 has approved for publication the following two documents: Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW). Draft Technical Specification providing methodologies to evaluate the performance of neural network-based…

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