Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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Thirty years is many years…

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  • Post category:MPEG

…and that is the number that separates us from the pre-digital age. Why should the 6th of November 1992 be the beginning of the digital age?? Well, because 30 years ago, this very day, MPEG approved its first – MPEG-1 – standard. I am sure that some of you would want to disagree, not with the anniversary, but with its significance. So let me insist and say that MPEG-1 is the dividing line between the digital age and whatever age…

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Seven good reasons to join MPAI

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MPAI, the international, unaffiliated, non-profit organisation developing AI-based data coding standards with clear Intellectual Property Rights licensing frameworks, is now offering those wishing to join MPAI the opportunity to start their 2023 membership two months in advance, from the 1st of November 2022. Here are six more good reasons why you should join MPAI now. In a matter of months after its establishment in September 2020, MPAI has developed 5 standards. Now it is working to extend 3 of them…

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MPAI extends 3 and develops 2 new standards

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Geneva, Switzerland – 26 October 2022. Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 25th General Assembly (MPAI-25). Among the outcomes is the decision, based on substantial inputs received in response to its Calls for Technologies, to extend three of its existing standards and to initiate the development of two new standards. The three standards being extended are: AI Framework (MPAI-AIF). AIF is an MPAI-standardised environment where…

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MPAI, third year and counting

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Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence – MPAI – was established two years ago, on 30 September 2020.. It is a good time to review what it has done, what it plans on doing, and how the machine driving the organisation works. These are the main results of the 2nd year of MPAI activity (the activities of the first year can be found here). Approved the MPAI-AIF (AI Framework) and MPAI-CAE (Context-based Audio Enhancement) Technical Specifications. Approved…

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MPAI appoints MPAI Store, incorporated as Company Limited by Guarantee, as the MPAI Store in the MPAI Ecosystem

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Geneva, Switzerland – 30 September 2022. Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 24th General Assembly (MPAI-24). Among the outcomes is the appointment of MPAI Store, a company limited by guarantee incorporated in Scotland, as the “MPAI Store” referenced to by the Governance of the MPAI Ecosystem standard (MPAI-GME). The tasks of the MPAI Store are critical for the operation of the MPAI Ecosystem. Some of…

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Imperceptibility, Robustness, and Computational Cost in Neural Network Watermarking

Introduction Research efforts, specific skills, training and processing can cumulatively bring the development costs of a neural network anywhere from a few thousand to a few hundreds of thousand dollars. Therefore, the AI industry needs a technology to ensure traceability and integrity not only of a neural network but also of the content generated by it (so-called inference). Faced with a similar problem, the digital content production and distribution industry has considered watermarking as a tool to insert a payload…

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