Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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The Genie that makes entertainment great

(By Dr. Jon Peddie PE, President, Jon Peddie Research, Tiburon, CA) Every time you watch a video or listen to music on your phone, computer, or TV, you use a data compressor-decompressor called a CODEC. By compressing the data representing the content you’re interested in, more people can use the already crowded networks we rely on every day, all day. The primary CODEC in use today is MPEG – the Moving Picture Experts Group. It has served us well since…

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One year ago – an idea is born

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19 July 2020:  the idea of MPAI Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence has a twofold mission: to develop standards for compression of video, audio and data, and to bridge the gap between its standards and their practical use. 19 July 2021: MPAI is not just an idea This is how far we’ve come MPAI established as a formal organisation based in Geneva 40 members Standard development process adopted 10 standards projects under way 4 standards under development…

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Would you buy a used car from…?

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Problem statement In the real world, a supply contract has at least three elements: the technical characteristics of the product the commercial terms, and the delivery date. These are vital elements for business. Indeed, the buyer would not be happy to discover that the product ordered has twice the volume, costs twice as much or is delivered one year later than the time agreed. The buyer who had known that before would probably have placed the order to a different…

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MPAI basics

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What it is MPAI – Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding is an unaffiliated, non-profit, international association with the mission to develop data coding standards, predominantly using Artificial Intelligence. The MPAI Manifesto summarises the MPAI distinctive features. The main MPAI target is “data coding” that MPAI defines as the transformation of data from a given representation to an equivalent one more suited to a specific application, e.g., compression or semantics extraction. How it works MPAI develops standards using a rigorous…

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Even the stars die – A guided tour

The Even the stars die is a book available on Amazon in electronic and paper form. It has several goals: To connect MPEG’s digital media standardisation with the traditional media standardisation To disclose why and how MPEG was conceived and the inside story of the first three “heroic” standards – MPEG-1, -2 and -4 To study the work done in some of the most important areas: video, audio, systems etc. To describe some of the unique MPEG characteristics To analyse the…

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Even the stars die – Preface

The book “Even the stars die - The history of MPEG and how it made digital media happen has been published on Amazon ( In summary, the book tells the story of how MPEG engineered the transformation of analogue media, how it fostered the development of digital media, how it was terminated and how its spirit continues in the field of data coding by Artificial Intelligence through MPAI. In this post I will publish the preface of the book. Full…

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