Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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AI-based End-to-End Video Coding takes off

The article Video coding remains a priority – adding a new goal offered some arguments in support of the 12th MPAI General Assembly (MPAI-12) decision to initiate a new project called AI-based End-to-End Video Coding with acronym MPAI-EEV. A meeting was held on the 6th of September. The reasons why MPAI was created one year ago with what mission (“develop AI-centred data coding standards”) and based on which foundations (New process to improve old shortcomings, Framework for AI standards, Framework…

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Video coding remains a priority – adding a new goal

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Thirty-four years ago, the first idea of an “independent” video coding group, later called MPEG, popped up. In a few years, the idea expanded to cover all media for all industries. I have already explained how the very technical and market success of the idea without an internal competition led to its demise. This is summarised by two facts Close to 9 years after publication of HEVC Decoders are installed in most TV sets and widely used Codecs are installed…

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MPAI celebrates its first anniversary approving 3 standards for publication

Geneva, Switzerland – 30 September 2021. Today, at its 12th General Assembly, the Moving Pic­ture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has approved 3 standards for publication as MPAI standards. Established exactly one year ago as an international, unaffiliated, not for profit association, MPAI is proud to announce that the first two AI-powered standards approved today serve two of the many industries targeted by MPAI: financial risk assessment and human-to-machine communic­ation. The 3rd standard addresses…

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Looking forward to MPAI’s 12th General Assembly

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MPAI’s 12th General Assembly (MPAI-12) is not going to be like any of the other previous 12 General Assemblies (MPAI was established at MPAI-0) and the the reason is simple to explain. So far MPAI has made big announcements about its plans to develop AI-based data coding standards. In less than two weeks it plans on releasing the first three standards. At its last General Assembly (MPAI-11), it actually published the WDs of the working drafts of the three standards…

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Excerpts from an interview

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  • Post category:MPEG

I have been interviewed by the Chinese webzine LiveVideoStack. The questions were smart and gave me the opportunity to make my views known. Here is an extract of the questions on MPEG and of my answers. The full interview is here. LiveVideoStack: Your new book Even the stars die: The history of MPEG and how it made digital media happen has been published this summer, congratulations! Could you tell us what inspired you to write it? Leonardo: There is no…

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Video compression patents – an obtuse story

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  • Post category:MPEG

People who look back at the MPEG-2 times as the golden age of video compression licensing have a point. For 20 years the ownership of an MPEG-2 Video and Systems patent was a licence to print money – just ask people in the industry. What those people don’t consider, however, is that the MPEG-2 licensing was not the first case of the new video compression licensing but the last case of the old consumer electronics licensing – just look at…

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