Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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What is the difference between an image and a video frame?

The question looks innocent enough. A video is a sequence of images (called frames) captured and eventually displayed at a given frequency. However, by stopping at a specific frame of the sequence, a single video frame, i.e. an image, is obtained. If we talk of a sequence of video frames, that would always be true. It would also be true if an image compression algorithm (an “intra-frame” coding system) is applied to each individual frame. Such coding system may not…

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MPEG and JPEG are grown up

Introduction A group of MPEG and JPEG members have developed a proposal seek to leverage the impact MPEG and JPEG standards have had on thousands of companies and billions of people all over the world. A few numbers related to 2018 tell a long story. At the device level, the installed base of MPEG-enabled devices was worth 2.8 trillion USD and the value of devices in that year was in excess of 1 trillion USD. At the service level, the…

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Standards and collaboration

The hurdles of standardisation today Making standards is not like any other tasks. In most cases it is technical in nature because it is about agreeing on and documenting how certain things should be done to claim to be conforming to the standard. Standards can be developed unilaterally by someone powerful enough to tell other people how they should do things. More often, however, standards are developed collaboratively by people who share an interest in a standard, i.e. in enabling…

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The talents, MPEG and the master

Introduction In the parable of the Talents the Gospel tells the story of a master who entrusts 5 talents (a large amount of money at that time) to one servant and 2 talents to another before leaving for a long travel. The first servant works hard and doubles his talents, while the second plays safe and buries the talents. When the master returns, he awards the first servant and punishes the second. Thirty-one years ago, MPEG was given the field…

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Standards and business models

Introduction Some could think that the title is an oxymoron. Indeed standards, certainly international ones, are published by not-for-profit organisations. How could they have a business model? The answer is that around a standard there are quite a few entities, some of which are far from being not-for-profit. Therefore, this article intends to analyse how business models can influence standards. The actors of standardisation Let’s first have a look at the actors of standardisation. The first actor is the organisation…

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On the convergence of Video and 3D Graphics

Table of contents Introduction Computer-generated scenes and video are worlds apart Point cloud compression 3DoF+compression Commonalities and differences of PCC and 3DoF+ How can we achieve further convergence? Conclusions Introduction For a few years now, MPEG has explored the issue of to efficiently represent (i.e. compress) data from a range of technologies offering users dynamic immersive visual experiences. Here the word “dynamic” captures the fact that the user can have an experience where objects move in the scene as opposed…

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