Research, standards and thoughts for the digital world

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The MPEG work plan (March 2019)

Introduction In Life inside MPEG I introduced the MPEG work plan. The clock in MPEG moves fast and that work plan is now obsolete. Here is a new re-formatted version of the MPEG work plan as of March 2019.  The MPEG work plan at a glance Figure 1 shows the main standards that MPEG has developed or is developing in the 2017-2023 period. The figure is organised in 3 main sections: Media Coding (e.g. AAC and AVC) Systems and Tools…

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Looking inside an MPEG meeting

Introduction In There is more to say about MPEG standards I presented the entire spectrum of MPEG standards. No one should deny that it is an impressive set of disparate technologies integrated to cover  fields connected by the common thread of Data Compression: Coding of Video, Audio, 3D Graphics, Fonts, Digital Items, Sensors and Actuators Data, Genome, and Neural Networks; Media Description and Composition; Systems support; Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP); Transport; Application Formats; API; and Media Systems. How…

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Introduction The article MPEG: what it did, is doing, will do recounts my statistically not insignificant experience of asking taxi drivers across different cities of the world if they know MPEG. I do not have similar amount of data to report for ISO, but I am pretty sure that if I asked a taxi driver if they know ISO, the yes rate would be considerably lower than for MPEG. This is not merit of MPEG or demerit of ISO as organisations.…

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Data compression in MPEG

That video is a high profile topic to people interested in MPEG is obvious – MP stands for Moving Pictures – and is shown by the most visited article in this blog Forty years of video coding and counting. Audio is also a high profile topic, so it should not be a surprise given that the official MPEG title is “Coding of Moving Pictures and Audio” and is confirmed by the fact that Thirty years of audio coding and counting…

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More video with more features

In Forty years of video coding and counting I presented a short but intense history of ITU and MPEG video compression standards. In this article I will focus on how more functionalities got added to video compression over the years to MPEG standards and how the next generation of standards will add even more. The table below gives an overview of all MPEG video compression standards – past, present and planned. Those in italic have not reached Final Draft International…

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Matching technology supply with demand

Introduction There have always been people in need of technology and, most of the time, people ready to provide something in response to the demand. In book XVIII of Iliad, Thetis, Achilles’s mother, asks Hephestus, the god of, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors and more, to provide a new armour to her son who had lost it to Hector. Hephestus duly complied. Still in the fictional domain, but in more recent years, Agent 007 visits Q Branch to get the latest…

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